Thursday, January 18, 2007

Call Stack and Locals can save a lof of time

Few days back , when i was debugging with Visual Studio, i got an "Execute Reader" exception, which happened from a function that calls up a stored procedure that i have modified, the stored procedure has some if-then-else and i need to know the value for which the call failed. So, i clicked on the "Call Stack" tab, went to the function where the actual db operation is held.I clicked on the Locals tab, noted down the possible values that i need to re-check.I went to the stored procedure and revised out the code for each value. Finally, ran the code with fix.

Although,it is simple, but the impact is real big. If there was no Call Stack / Locals then i would have performed a manual debugging, which is no time saver in terms of a huge solution.

What a bless that we don't realize! :-)

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